Take Control: Innovative Executive Development Workshops

An effective & engaging approach to Executive Development flying an Airbus Simulator

Lead by senior top business coaches and experienced airline training captains

Tailor-made to suit your management team’s unique requirements

Locations throughout Europe

Lessons from Aviation

Since the 1980’s the airlines have invested considerable effort and resources to design and implement Resource Management training in their organizations. Many accidents have resulted from the crew’s inability to respond appropriately to certain situations. In designing these training programmes airlines were helped by a group of applied scientists whose aim was to promote effective leadership, teamwork and decision-making. Resource Management techniques have been one of the greatest successes of aviation and have become a standard practice in the industry.

The benefits of Resource Management training have yet to reach mainstream organisations & companies, offering Management Teams a very powerful way of encouraging the very highest levels of team performance to enhance organisational effectiveness and bottom line performance

When Resource Management Makes Sense:

– Change Management

– Crisis Management

– New Teams

– Project Management

– Mergers & Acquisitions

– Toxic Cultures

If you can get all your team members to row in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market against any competition at any time (Patrick Lencioni)

This UNIQUE workshop is not just single- dimensional general knowledge and concept training, but is also about experiencing it in a dynamic real time environment, challenging your existing thinking and establishing trust among your team. This action and experiential learning environment will quickly generate insights and support change to dramatically enhance individual and team performance, generating a significant and lasting impact on their organization.
