Since the 1980’s the airlines have invested considerable effort and resources to design and implement resource management training in their organizations. Many accidents result from the crew’s inability of to respond appropriately to the situation in which they find themselves. In designing these training programs airlines were helped by a group of applied scientists whose aim was to promote effective teamwork and decision-making. Resource Management techniques have been one of the greatest successes of aviation and has become a standard practice in the industry. The benefits of Resource Management training reach beyond the aviation community, in many other domains. Professionals in industries such as the medical sector and the oil industry have also started to successfully integrate this philosophy into their practices to enhance teamwork and safety.
Resource management has yet to reach mainstream organisations and companies, offering executives and management teams a very powerful way of encouraging the very highest levels of team performance in businesses and organizations.
It’s all too easy for management and team members to assume that their dynamics are straightforward and obvious. However, in reality there are many factors that have a significant and crucial effect on team performance and therefore the accomplishment of the team goals and are often an important contributing factor to poor performance of a business or organization.
When Resource Management Makes Sense:– Complex Environments – Crisis Management – Investments Decisions – Project Management – Mergers & Acquisitions – Toxic Cultures |
This workshop is not just single dimensional general knowledge and concept training currently provided in familiarization courses, but is also about experiencing it in a dynamic real time environment, challenging your existing thinking.
This program will challenge existing thinking. It will generate insights and support change to dramatically enhance individual and team performance, generating a significant and lasting impact on their organization.
- Truly unique workshops that are effective, motivational and engaging
- Use of commercial Airbus full motion flight simulator to provide the background needed for skill development rather then the more general knowledge and concept training currently provided in familiarization courses
- Workshop modules to suit your management team, including Communication, Decision-making, Leadership & Assertiveness
- Workshops carefully designed by professionals and assisted by trained & experienced facilitators
- Skills will be practiced with relevant case studies and in the simulator by experienced airline captains with coaching backgrounds
- No flying skills required !
- Encourages thinking ‘outside the box’ and upgrading to a more holistic view
- Improve personal and organizational decision-making
- Facilitate a more innovative and responsive organizational culture
- Integration of various developed skills into a meaningful whole that can be easily transferred to the office to enhance team performance and improve bottom line performance
- You will test and amaze yourself. But most of all….you’ll grow