Claudia Hettinga
Claudia Hettinga
Hettinga & Partners HR

This workshop that I recently attended was truly unique and exciting, providing me with a different perspective. Tiring but very enjoyable and useful. Highly recommended.

Onno Raymakers
Onno Raymakers
Senior Project Leader

This was a very spectacular experience last Sunday. It was hard work, but intriguing and very insightful. Excellent for senior management and to improve organisational effectiveness

Erik Brons
Erik Brons
Director Haagrecht Attorneys

I look back at a very exciting and instructive experience, which is very useful for my company.

Benoit Janin
Benoit Janin
Vice President Strategy, Amadeus

It was pleasant working with you during those two days and I am now working with my team to define precise actions to be taken from there.

Gilles Trantoul
Gilles Trantoul
Head Corporate Strategy Amadeus IT

It was a really nice and useful experience. Thanks Alex

Danny van der Ploeg
Danny van der Ploeg
Operational Risk Manager, SNS Bank

The complex environment of a cockpit adds an extra dimension to the attractive communication training you provide and highlights the importance of interaction between managers in unexpected situations. It also demonstrates a good combination of fun & high added value. It was a pleasure working with you!

Alex Schippers
Alex Schippers
Managing Director ORIL

Great and very realistic role play and super way to increase team spirit and cooperation.

Fred Kuhlman
Fred Kuhlman
Managing Partner, City Outdoor Advisors

Using a Flight Simulator for management training is an unexpected, but highly recommended, innovative method for improving various management skills.